TIRAMISU PhD student positions

The PhD project aims at novel, low-cost, ultra-low power open-source RISC-V-based accelerators augmented with reliability and safety features and tailored for edge AI applications. Energy efficiency is to be addressed by optimisation of the architecture, memory communication and the control. The lifetime and soft-error reliability aspect assumes architectural and physical design methodologies, as well as system-level improvements. For safety, the development of an infrastructure for in-field fault management of RISC-V-based systems to prevent catastrophic system failures, including fault and ageing detection and recovery mechanisms, using IJTAG for embedded instruments.

Recruitment host: Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia

Supervisors: Prof. Maksim Jenihhin, Dr. Artur Jutman

Cross-sectoral co-supervision: Dr. Juergen Alt, Infineon Technologies, Germany

Contact: Prof. Maksim Jenihhin, maksim.jenihhin@taltech.ee

More details at the host webpage: